More fashion resolutions 2024 – the new ‘old money aesthetic

So far, January has been a very quiet month- lots of early nights with herbal tea and Netfix, a couple of afternoon tea outings with friends – generally a lot of tea and chilling out.

I did however devote time to restorative yoga, introspection and more fashion resolutions. I stayed away from the sales, and re-arranged my closet and my fashion thoughts.

How do I improve my wardrobe, save money, save the planet and look better- all at the same time?

As a rule, I am not into ‘looking expensive’ and all that pretentious ‘if you know you know’ kind of dressing. Nonetheless, certain elements of the ‘old money’ style are irresistible.
I simply adore many ‘old money’ fashion and yes- lifestyle principles. In particular the handsome butler with the gleaming, silver tea set, lurking in the manicured lawn background! ( kidding ok?)

The new old money aesthetic isn’t about looking wealthy, but rather about shopping consciously. The pieces are intended to last for decades, possibly even to leave to your children. Thinking vintage Dior, Hermes silks, Scottish tweeds, English leather shoes, Swiss cotton, french couture that sort of thing.

Second-hand retailers, offer an opportunity to embrace classic stylings, rejecting the destructive cycle of fast fashion. The appeal of being ‘timeless’ is that we can curate a wardrobe that can be worn for many years. Buy much much less and much much better.
My old money fashion resolutions share elements from ‘quiet luxury’, but they are quite distinct.

Old money aesthetic is less ‘fashion focused’ than quiet luxury and inevitably includes more of those older, vintage or even worn out pieces.

Old money is more careful with money, ( I guess that’s how they managed to hang on to their money long enough… to become old money LOL) There is less cashmere and more Shetland wool. Less yoga and more horse riding, more gardening and less french manicures… usually there are Hermes silk scarves, sometimes inherited sometimes brand new.

Old money is more careful with money

One of the easiest ways to nail the ‘old money’ style is to wear silk scarves (NOT polyester). The only way to wear scarves well, is to actually wear them all the time so it becomes natural and unpretentious. The scarf may be second hand, and it may be from little known designers. The silk part though, is non negotiable.

The only way to wear scarves well, is to actually wear them all the time, until it becomes natural and unpretentious.

(Photos credit IG nevermindresssing)

Another essential element is to keep the silhouette relaxed. Loose trousers, maybe with a belt, loose cashmere top slightly oversized with rolled up sleeves showing off extra slim wrists.

#old money really knows how to mix Hi and Low fashion- smoothly. Someone at ease with money never wears a fast fashion t- shirt paired with an obscenely expensive new Chanel bag. According to the FT the smooth mix, is more about a handmade pair of trousers with an old Shetland wool jumper. Both are high quality and pretty much timeless old money staples. The Chanel bag, if there is one at all, is usually inherited.

# old money likes to drink and also knows how to hold their drink! Have a Max of two cocktails per outing. Basically don’t leave the bar looking disheveled and never, ever fall off the bar stool. (Note to self)

# Charity work – give something significant every month. Don’t bother with selling your unwanted clothes, bags or accessories. – donate them instead. Make sure you only buy things worth donating. (Nobody wants second hand shein!) I find that, if there is no delusion about ‘resale value’ there will be more thoughtful purchase patterns.

# old money doesn’t view their money as theirs.  it’s family money, so they spend accordingly. Fashion purchases are for real life scenarios- they are not a means to relieve boredom, celebrate promotions or to impress their minions.

# master thé art of being Frugal without being mean. There is not always a clear path to this – it will definitely take trial & error to work out what is value for money and what is conspicuous consumption. I would appreciate any frugal (but not mean suggestions) …

# old money has a pretty way of freezing people out…with a smile. A useful trick we could all learn from.

So dear blog friends - how would you describe your style? Do you like the new ‘old money aesthetic’ or are you into whispering ‘quiet luxury’? 

Published by lady sarah in london

I am a handbag consultant! Reformed perfectionista, art collector and animal lover.

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