How to do a digital detox: the basics.

As much as I love my phone a periodic digital detox is good for our mental health- otherwise known as sanity.

Preparation is everything. Order a note book, dig out a pencil (remember those?) Have a stash of books and borrow some glossy magazines, all ready to replace the mindless scrolling. If you can get your hands on an old fashioned alarm clock all the better. Plan some activities: Visiting real shops, (Hermes I am coming for you!) lunch with a friend, or a thrifty walk in the park, are all good starter activities.

Some exposure to natural light, it can be sunlight but light spring rain is particularly beneficial. It’s said that it improves mood and helps with hormone balancing. All very helpful with any kind of detox.

You may also warn some of your family and favourite people, that you are about to embark on a digital detox, (otherwise they may think you are ghosting them or something terrible has happened.) there may be inner discomfort and resistance, which is normal when we attempt any sort of detox, mental or physical. Hang on in there – it will pass and it will be worth it.

Ultimately, the digital world is now part of life and cannot/should not be ignored. If you last a week, you may find that you can reintroduce on line time, making wiser, more discerning choices

Ultimately, the digital world is now part of life and cannot/should not be ignored. After a week, you may find that you can reintroduce on line time, making wiser, more discerning choices. The detox has made me much more conscious of how I allocate time. Now on- line is mostly devoted to family time, work  research and educational activities.

All of this technology is just a tool. It can be used positively to learn a language, master a skill or get fit. Or, it can become a black vortex of negativity, rabbit holes of pointless discussions and toxic ‘community’ forums.

All of this technology is just a tool. It can be used positively to learn a language, master a skill or get into yoga!

Time on Vestiaire collective & eBay are great platforms for a wardrobe clear out. who doesn’t love a bargain, I ask you? Plus it’s good for the planet! But oh dear god! you would not believe the amount of crazy emails I used to get in the name of ‘community’.)  who has the time to deal with that?  Celeb Gossip forums can also be particularly toxic Petri dishes. (why do we care what Meghan did next? ) luckily I really don’t!

Everyone needs to find their own on-line ‘replacements’ and the first 24 hours are the hardest! I-am now very happy to report the benefits of being in control of my phone – rather than the other way round.

thank you to everyone who reached out about this -and is good to know that so many of us try to get a grip on it. Be strong and any tips or special insights – please share!

Published by lady sarah in london

I am a handbag consultant! Reformed perfectionista, art collector and animal lover.

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